What is Web3

Web3 can refer to a set of technologies, services, or concepts that cross multiple levels of abstraction; therefore, its meaning can vary widely depending on who you talk to.

At the basic level, Web3 refers to a standard and its libraries. These enable the interaction between applications and smart contracts and blockchains (e.g., web3.js, ether.js, etc.). 

DeFi Book - Web3 Log in
Authentication methods for Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.

At the next level, Web3 can refer to applications that the foundational standard enables (e.g., MetaMask, UniSwap, AAVE, OpenSea, etc.).

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What are NFTs

The acronym NFTs refers to Non-Fungible-Tokens. NFTs represent unique assets with properties that are not replaceable. These tokens contrast with Fungible Tokens that can be easily interchanged with another equal or similar asset (e.g., a cryptocurrency).

DeFi Book NTFs Assets Web3
Smartcontract Tokenizing Assets and with Web3 Interfaces

NFTs became popularized with digital art projects like CryptoKitties (2017), CryptoPunks (2017), Bored Ape Yacht Club (2021), and the record-setting Beeple’s artwork Everydays (2021) that sold for 69 million dollars.

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What is Staking

In crypto, the meaning of staking describes the action of locking tokens with the expectation of earning returns. 

DeFi Book - Staking
Multiple Uses for Staking Tokens in DeFi

There are two fundamentally different forms of staking tokens: 

  1. In one form, the tokens are put to work and are at risk (e.g., as collateral for a particular activity, such as Proof-of-Stake (PoS), lending, etc.). 
  2. In other forms, tokens are simply removed from circulation (e.g., to enable the token’s price to appreciate due to reduced supply).

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